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Monday, 20 March 2017

Difference between dissertation and a thesis

Dissertation and thesis, what are these?

Often used in an indistinguishable manner, dissertation and thesis are part of academics. They are considered to be the highest forms of formal writing, hence are given the due importance.

But having said this, what does their term mean? Are both the same? How are both of them defined?

Both are developed in order to:

1.Develop a research proposal to answer a specific question.

2.Reporting backgrounds, conclusions, methods on the research that is done.

3.Appropriate analysis methods are utilized to confer to deductions. 

Finding the fine line between dissertation and a thesis:

It is a term paper which is a lengthy essay proposed for academic purpose. It is a whole new opportunity to develop a new concept, work towards it and defend its strengths.

It is a statement or a theory that is put together to prove an argument which earns a higher degree. Compilation of the study done during the whole degree is put up through the thesis.

Difference between a thesis and a dissertation:

Now here we present the difference between a thesis and a dissertation based on certain factors. They are as follows:

1.Length wise:
Thesis: The length of a thesis should be around 100 pages which will cover the majority of information.

Dissertation: The length of a dissertation will be twice or thrice of a thesis; approximately 400 to 500 pages. As more research is performed on the subject, the length of the project increases.

2.Based on research:
Thesis: Thesis tests a student’s understanding towards the subject. Previous work done by others is taken as reference and used as analysis for further analysis. It is an ability to show one’s knowledge towards the subject researched and wrote.

Dissertation: This focuses on an original research done for the purpose of invention or discovery of something. It requires approving or disapproving hypothesis.

3.Purpose of writing:
Thesis: The purpose of writing a thesis is to earn scholarships as well as for academic purpose.

Dissertation: The sole purpose of writing a dissertation is to earn a Ph.D.

4.Type of degree:
Thesis: Usually thesis is written as a project to earn a master’s degree.

Dissertation: Dissertation is written to earn PhD during doctoral study

5.Data for the write-up:
Thesis: The data for writing a thesis is usually collected through questionnaire, interviews, surveys from hospitals and government authorities.

Dissertation:  Here, the data for writing a dissertation normally does not rely on external sources but new implications are to be adopted as the main aim of writing it is to innovate or discover something new.

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